Most Read Articles

Most read Articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

An analysis on the International Baccalaureate framework for educational contents: Focusing on the IB PYP
국제 바칼로레아 교육내용 프레임워크 분석: IB PYP를 중심으로
J. Curric. Eval. 2022;25(2):59-87.
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An Investigation of the Implementation of Online Classes in the Untact Era Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
코로나19로 인한 언택트 시대의 온라인 교육 실태 연구
J. Curric. Eval. 2020;23(4):39-57.
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An International Case Study on Student Achievement Assessment in the High School Credit System
고교학점제에서의 학생평가에 대한 국외 사례 연구
J. Curric. Eval. 2020;23(2):249-274.
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Meanings and Methods of Educative Experience: Based on Dewey's Theory and Practice in the Laboratory School
교육적 경험의 의미와 방법: 듀이의 교육이론과 실험학교 실천에 기초한 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2019;22(2):185-212.
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Changes in math achievement among high school students in the wake of COVID-19: The current state and influencing factors
코로나19를 전후한 고등학생 수학 성취도 변화: 실태 및 영향요인
J. Curric. Eval. 2022;25(4):63-88.
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Exploration on the Direction of Future Education in the Era of School-age Population Decline: Based on Future School Scenarios
학령인구 감소 시대 미래 학교교육의 방향 탐색: 미래학교 시나리오를 바탕으로
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(1):1-28.
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Comparison and analysis of CEFR reception, production skills and achievement standards of the 2022 revised elementary English curriculum
CEFR 이해, 표현 기능과 2022 개정 초등영어 교육과정 성취기준 비교·분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2023;26(3):217-245.
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A Systematic Literature Review on Automated Scoring of Mathematical Constructed Responses
수학 구성형 답안의 자동 채점 연구에 관한 체계적 문헌 고찰
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(4):293-324.
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Exploring educational inequality in the high school credit system
고교학점제의 학생 선택형 교육과정으로 인한 교육 불평등 문제 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2023;26(2):29-50.
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Analysis of English as a Lingua Franca features and its feasibility in the 2022 national English curriculum
2022 영어 교육과정에 반영된 English as a Lingua Franca의 특징과 실현 가능성
J. Curric. Eval. 2023;26(3):191-216.
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AI Education Program Development Through Elementary School Integrated Subjects curriculum
초등 통합교과를 통한 AI 교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 시론적 연구
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(2):1-24.
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An analysis of global citizenship education (GCED) content in the social studies curriculum: Focusing on comparison of the 2015 revised and 2022 revised curriculums
사회과 교육과정에 나타난 세계시민교육 내용 분석: 2015 개정과 2022 개정 교육과정 비교를 중심으로
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(1):59-85.
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The effects of career education program using Edu-tech on middle school students’ career decision self-efficacy and career maturity
에듀테크를 활용한 진로교육 프로그램이 중학생의 진로결정 자기효능감과 진로성숙도에 미치는 효과
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(2):149-173.
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Analysis of Standards and Instruments of Teacher Assessment Literacy in Korea
국내 교사 평가 전문성 기준과 측정도구 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(1):173-201.
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The Effect of ‘Integrated Science Logic & Essay’ Class Using Generative AI on Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge(TPACK) of Pre-service Science Teachers
ChatGPT를 활용한 통합과학논리 및 논술수업이 예비 과학교사의 테크놀로지 교수내용지식(TPACK)에 미치는 영향
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(1):133-155.
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An Analysis of the Current Status and Perception of Career and Academic Guidance in the phased Application of the High School Credit System
고교학점제 단계적 도입에 따른 진로·학업 설계 지도의 현황 및 인식 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(1):29-57.
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A study of exploring support plans for teachers to understand the 2022 revised physical education curriculum
교사의 2022 개정 체육과 교육과정 이해 지원 방안 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2023;26(2):107-124.
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Applying Learning Platform to Distance Learning : Certain School District Case in CA, USA. Encountering COVID-19
학습 플랫폼의 원격 학습에의 적용: COVID-19 미국 캘리포니아의 교육청 사례
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):77-102.
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A study on the design of growth-based evaluation rubric
성장중심평가의 취지에 따른 평가 루브릭 개발 가능성 탐구
J. Curric. Eval. 2023;26(2):259-278.
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Development and Validation of Assessment Tools for Evaluating Elementary School Students’ Social Emotional Competence by Teachers and Parents
초등학생의 사회정서역량 진단을 위한 교사용·부모용 측정도구 개발 및 타당화
J. Curric. Eval. 2024;27(1):157-182.
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