
초등학교 교원 양성 대학의 건반악기 실기 교육과정 개발

이연경 1
Youn-Kyung Lee 1
Author Information & Copyright
1청주교육대학교 교수
1Professor, CheongJu National University of Education

ⓒ Copyright 2006, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Oct 11, 2006 ; Revised: Nov 15, 2006 ; Accepted: Nov 27, 2006

Published Online: Dec 31, 2006


본 연구는 초등교원 양성 대학의 실효성 있는 건반실기 교육을 위해 학교 음악지도에 필요한 실용적 건반기술과 포괄적 음악성 계발을 목적으로 2학기로 구성된 단계별 교육과정을 개발하였다. 예비교사 건반교육의 목표를 규명하기 위해 대학 건반교육 관련 연구를 검토하였고 교육과정 설계를 위해 실용적 건반기술 지도를 위해 고안된 대학 클래스 피아노 교재의 내용을 분석하였다. 구안된 교육과정은 학기당 16단원으로, 각 단원은 학습 내용이 다음의 9가지 실용적 피아노 영역별로 제시되었다: 건반이론, 초견․이조, 듣고치기, 테크닉, 리듬연습, 반주, 창작즉흥연주, 앙상블, 및 독주곡. 건반학습을 통해 음악요소에 대한 이해력을 신장시키기 위해 7차 교육과정 이해영역 내용 체계와 연계하여 단원의 지도 음악요소를 선정하였다.


The purpose of the study was to develop a comprehensive keyboard curriculum for two semesters to teach functional piano skills to prospective elementary school teachers in the national universities of education. The proposed curriculum included 16 instructional units for each semester and each unit contained 9 areas of keyboard study such as keyboard theory, sight-reading and transposition, playing by ear, technique, rhythm drill, accompanying, improvising, ensemble, and repertoire.

The study reviewed the related research studies, articles, and professional opinions to identify the educational goals and the course objectives of the college keyboard program for elementary education majors. And also the study examined five college class piano textbooks pertinent to teach elementary education majors and music education majors to identify the minimum levels of keyboard proficiency and musical knowledges required to elementary teachers for school music teaching and to design the course content of the suggested keyboard curriculum.

There is a need for curriculum changes in the approach to piano for the elementary education major. Less emphasis should be placed on reading music, technical study, accompanying, and repertoire study, and more emphasis should be given on practical competency in the functional skills such as transposing, playing by ear, improvising, accompanying, harmonization, and ensemble playing.

Keywords: 교사교육; 건반교육; 교육과정; 실용적 건반기술; 피아노 실기; 클래스 피아노; 초등 교사양성; 교육대학
Keywords: music curriculum; keyboard study; teacher training; class piano; functional piano skill; elementary education; secondary piano instruction; textbook