국어교과서에서 학습활동 진술의 구체화 방안
Received: Apr 3, 2003 ; Revised: May 14, 2003 ; Accepted: May 30, 2003
Published Online: Jun 30, 2003
국어교과서에서 학습활동이 중요한 이유는 단원의 학습목표가 학생들이 이를 수행함으로써 달성 되기 때문이다. 이런 점에서 학습활동은 국어교과서 단원 구성의 핵심적인 기능을 수행한다. 그러나 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고 학습활동에 대한 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 이 글은 이 점을 염두에 두고 현행 국어교과서에서 학습활동의 진술과 관련된 문제를 검토하고,그 해결을 위한 대안을 제안하고자 하였다.
현행 국어교과서에서 확인된 학습활동 진술의 문제는,‘학생’을 지칭하는 용어의 혼란, ‘글을 쓴 사람’을 지칭하는 용어의 혼란, 개념의 혼동 및 불일치, 행동 수행에 대한 요구가 불분명한 진술,모두(冒頭)진술과 하위활동 진술의 불일치, 표현 요구 행동 용어의 혼란 등이 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 문제는 교수-학습 맥락의 고려, 용어의 의미적 차이 분석, 개념의 확립 등을 통하여 대안을 마련할 수 있었다.
The objects of a unit are accomplished by learning activities in Korean language textbooks. Because of that, learning activities are regarded as important items at work. But there are rarely studies on them. Then, this paper concentrates on the learning activities in order to examine the problems in statements of learning activities and to suggest an substitutes.
The problems of the statements of learning activities in current Korean language textbooks are that : confusion of a term indicating students, confusion of a term indicating the writer of material in textbook, mistake and disagreement of a concept, too extensive statements of learning activities, discordance between the lead and sub-activities, confusion of a term requesting performance.
The problems are solved by that : first, consideration on teaching and learning context, second, analysis of nuance in terms usage, third, concept establishment and fixing mistake of it. Then, this paper suggest an substitutes of that. The term indicating students is fixed as 'oneself7. At this, this term is omitted a pronoun 'you' in 'you oneself'. The term indicating the writer of material in textbook is decided as 'the writer(the written person)'. On occasion, it is necessary to exposure the writer’s real name. And only when students identify difference between/among things, the term 'contrast' must be used. That is accuracy of usage in he statements of learning activities. The statements of diverse expression is specified into 'put down', 'record', 'write', 'take a memo', 'arrange' according to nuance in terms usage and the context of teaching and learning.
The conclusion of this paper will assist to state learning activities in specification. Therefore students can be efficiently obtain objects of a unit in Korean language textbook. And then, to settle upper stated problems of integration, the studies are conducted into investigation of 'learning terms'. Establishing 'learning terms' give reinforcement statement of learning activity in Koran language textbook, and teaching and learning processes in Korean language classroom.