고차적 사고력 함양을 위한 유추 기제 활용 교수•학습 방법 연구: 역사 교륙의 사례
Published Online: Dec 31, 2002
The concept of analogy has received the most attention in the field of psychology these days. Analogy is to facilitate learning and higher-order thinking by utilizing the knowledge that one has already acquired when learning or solving new problems related with the old knowledge. Few of the research on analogy has been focused on the utilization of analogy in learning and thinking with the more complex tasks rather than with simple and artificial tasks. The purpose of this study is to inquire about the utilization methods of analogy mechanism with the ill-defined and less-structured complex tasks in actual teaching and learning environment in order to foster higher order thinking. The complex tasks were chosen from the subject of history education, since these tasks of high cognitive complexity have rarely been studied in the previous research on analogy.
This study illustrated how analogy can be used to help students' understanding of history and promote the ability to solve historical problems. For this, the study presented exemplary instruction cases that have utilized analogies, along with the cautions to be exerted when using analogy in history education.