환경윤리교육의 교수- 학습 체계화 모형 개발에 관한 연구
Published Online: Dec 31, 2001
The purpose of this study is to develop a systematic model for environmental ethics education. For this study, we discuss the significance, approach methods, contents, and teaching-learning methods of environmental ethics education. And we intend to development a systematic teaching -learning model of environmental ethics education.
These days, to overcome an ecological crisis we face with, we need ph ilosoph ical works to reconstruct the relationship between human being and nature radically. This philosophical work must be carried out by means of ethical value judgment through environmental ethics.
Environmental ethics is a discipline which explores ethical value judgments about nature. It expands and changes our viewpoint and understanding of environmental problems. Also a study on the environmental ethics provides the most intrinsic problem solving direction and important implication for us to overcome an ecological crisis.
Environmental ethics education must be not only the education which deliveries knowledge about the environment and cultivates environmental ethics virtues from the environment but also the education which encourages consciousness for the environment.
To perform this environmental ethics education, this study tried to construct a systematic teaching -learning model of environmental ethics education in our schools.
Five stages of a systematic model of environmental ethics education presented through this study are as follows :
The first stage is to recognize an interaction of human, nature, and environment. The second stage is to understand and analysis an interrelationship between environment and life. The third stage is to select and practice eco-friendly attitudes, view of values and behavior patterns. The forth stage is to establish eco-centred life values based on ecological conscience. The fifth stage is to reflect and evaluate in order to perform new behaviors.
On the basis of a systematic teaching-learning model of environmental ethics education in this study, we expect that successive studies for systematic teaching-learning models of environmental ethics education will be continued, and that new models of environmental ethics education will be developed and constructed.