체육교과명의 현재와 미래
Published Online: Dec 31, 2000
The purpose of this study is to indicate the limit ations of current name of school physical education subject and to suggest its new name for improving the quality of school physical education. Physical Education as a current name has two limitations in terms of narrowness and redundancy. First, Physical Education seems to emphasize 'the physical' only, even if it encompasses cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning, because a conceptual framework of current name is "education of the physical" and "education through the physical". Second, Physical Education itself includes the meaning of education on its subject name. Thus, this name does not make sense to a teacher and a learner.
For example, the role of teachers is "teaching physical education". Also, the role of students is "learning physical education". Because education includes a concept for teaching, it would be a redundancy and contradiction. Ther efore, this study suggests a new name of school physical education as "Kinesiology". It means the study of human movement. The conceptual framework of the new name is changed like "education of movement" and "education through movement". That is, the new name focuses on movement, not physical. It enables to integrate theory and practice of textbooks in K- 12. In addition, it makes textbooks be added the affective domain that is one of learning domains.