대학수학능력시험의 영역별 변환표준점수 반영비율에 관한 연구
Published Online: Dec 31, 1999
In CSAT, Standard scores scale has been adopted with mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10 to maximize the usage of CSAT since 1998. On the student report card of CSAT, each of raw scores for 5 sections of Verbal, Mathematics & Inquiry I, Science Inquiry, Social Inquiry, and Foreign Language(English), and percentile scores, standard scores and weighted standard scores of the raw scores were presented.
This study investigated whether contribution of the raw scores from sub section to the total test scores of CSAT differed from those of weighted standard scores. It is customary to define the weight of a single subscore in a composite score as the contribution of the subscore to the variance of the composite. When subscores are to be combined to form a total test score of CSAT, differential weighting of the component measures was applied ; the maximum score of verbal section was 120, that of mathematics inquiry I section was 80, that of science inquiry section was 72, that of social inquiry section was 48, and that of English section was 80.
When the nominal weights were assigned to the subscores, the effective weight of each section is determined by its contribution to the variance of the composite. In CSAT, the nominal weights of verbal section is 30%, the highest among five sub section. But the effective weight of that section may be less than 30%. With the empirical data, the difference between nominal and effective weight of the raw score was explored, and the nominal weights did not correspond to the relative weights of the subscores in the total test scores. Although the nominal weight do influence the effective weights, they are not generally proportional to them.
When the raw scores are expressed in standard form, however, the nominal weights are in general proportional to effective weights. The subscores in the composite(total test score)are appropriately weighted, only if they make equal contribution to the total variance in terms of nominal and effective weights. In standard score scale, the effective weights of the subscores is determined by the nominal weight and the intercorrelation of the subscores.
The results of this study suggest that contribution of the raw scores from sub section to the total test score of CSAT differs from those of weighted standard score, indicating that use of standard score in CSAT was appropriate. When the test scores are expressed in standard score, the nominal weights are same as effective weights.