
영어에 대한 자기조절 학습전략 사용과 자기 효능감의 학업 성취와의 관계

이정원 1
Jeong-Won LEE 1
Author Information & Copyright
1Seanam University

ⓒ Copyright 1999, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 1999


This study intended to analyze the effects on the English academic performance of self - regulated learning and self- efficacy. This study adopted Pintrich and De Groot' s methods of study based on Zimmerman' s general definition of the self- regulated learning. 184 senior high school students participated in the study. Use of self- regulated learning and self- efficacy were positively related to classroom academic performance. The relationship between selfregulated learning and self- efficacy was positive, too. Regression analyses revealed that the strategies of seeking information(r=.37, r2=.14), rereading tests (r=.41, r2=.17) helping from adults (r=.45, r2=.20), helping the teachers (r=.48, r2=.23), helping from peers (r=.50, r2=.25), and organizing and transforming emerged as the best predictors of English academic performance. The results were discussed in terms of the relationships between self- efficacy and academic performance of self- regulated learning.

Keywords: Self- regulated learning; Self- efficacy