
과학 교재의 조직 형태가 과학 교재 학습에 미치는 효과

문선모1, 박병호2
Seon- Mo Moon1, Byung- Ho Park2
Author Information & Copyright
1Kyungsang University
2Jinju High School

ⓒ Copyright 1998, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 1998


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of scientific text format on scientific text learning. Two text formats for presenting competing scientific theories were an integrated-text format and a separate-text format. The integrated-text format was designed to portray science as inquiry.

Main research problems to be tested were as follows:

(1) Is there a significant difference between two text formats in scientific text learning?

(2) Is there a significant difference between levels of inquiring ability?

(3) Is there a significant interaction effect in scientific text learning between text formats and levels of inquiring ability?

Subjects of this study were 80 high school students selected randomly on the levels of inquiring ability. And they were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions.

Experimental text was about scientific problem: What caused the dinosaurs to become extinct? The text was adapted from high school textbooks of America and approximately 2,000 words in length.

To test the hypotheses, 2(scientific text formats: integrated vs. separate) x 2(levels of inquiring ability: high vs. low) ANOVA was applied.

Main findings of this study were as follows:

(1) Presenting science as inquiry through the integrated-text format enhanced performance on the items that tapped integrated knowledge. On the other hand, the separate-text format did not showed such facilitating effects.

(2) Students with more inquiring ability showed such facilitating effects.

(3) There was not a significant interaction effect in such performance between text formats and levels of inquiring ability of students.

Keywords: Scientific text format; Text organization; Text structure; Scientific text learning; Text processing; Text comprehension