우리나라 고등학생용 학습기술 검사의 개발 연구
Published Online: Dec 31, 1999
본 연구는 우리나라 고등학생용 학습기술검사를 개발하는 과정으로 객관적인 문항검증과정과 타당도·신뢰도 검증과정을 통해 과학적인 학습기술 검사를 개발하는 것을 주된 목적으로 삼고 있다. 본 연구의 피험자는 총 343명이었으며, 남자가 167명, 여자가 176명이었다. 요인분석 결과 요인이 9개로 나타났으며, 이들 9개의 요인 중에서 부하량이 .30이상인 문항이 다섯개 미만인 요인을 제외한 7개의 요인을 하위요인으로 최종 확정하였다. 확정된 요인들은 자기관리 기술 영역, 수업참여 기술 영역, 과제해결 기술 영역, 시험관리 기술 영역, 정보처리 기술 영역, 읽기 기술 영역, 쓰기 기술 영역 등이며, 이들 요인들의 내적 일관성 신뢰도는 .87- .89사이로 매우 만족스러운 수준이었다. 본 연구는 고등학생용 학습기술 측정도구의 객관화 시도라는 측면에서 의의가 있으며, 이후 전국적인 규모의 표준화와 체계적인 학습기술 훈련 프로그 램의 개발을 이후 과제로 제안하였다.
The purpose of this study was to develop a Learning Skills Inventory for the senior high school students , which was intended to identify the variations of individual differences in the study method involved in senior high school students learning activities.
The subjects of this study was sampled from four classes at the 10th grade and four classes at the 11th grade in four senior high schools in Pusan, Korea. 167 students were male and 176 students were female.
The findings were as follows.
First, the factor analysis revealed seven distinct dimensions underlying senior high school students learning activities : ① self-management skills ② class- participation skills ③ assignment solving skills ④ test- taking skills ⑤ information processing skills ⑥ reading skills ⑦ writing skills.
Second, reliability of the scale was used as Cronbach a coefficient . T otal reliability is .86, and a coefficient of self-management skills is .87, a coefficient of class - participation skills is .87, a coefficient of assignment solving skills is .88, a coefficient of test - taking skills is .88, a coefficient of information processing skills is .88, a coefficient of reading skills is .89, and a coefficient of writing skills is .89, respectively.
In conclusion, this findings suggest that the systematic use of the learning skills were responsible for the success for high achieving students. It is necessary to encourage students to use these skills more.
This study is meaningful since the senior high school student learning skills test development has not studied in Korea yet and continuous research for the development of the study skills should be required and discussed.